
We help you kick start, accelerate, or operate your sustainability program

No Longer Optional

Major global brands and most European companies are well underway with sustainability initiatives and regular Environmental, Social, Government (ESG) reporting. In the US, many companies are only now responding to market and regulatory pressure.
Consumers care and want to know that working conditions are safe in the companies they buy from. Top talent is attracted by companies with aligned values and meaningful work.
  • Values-driven Workforce and Consumer Buying dictate new requirements of companies to be aware of environmental and social impacts, and actively taking action to improve:
  • Environmental consciousness and sustainable practices,
  • Safe working conditions throughout the extended supply chain, and
  • Ethical management aligned to consumer and workforce values.

Mounting pressure to act now!

  • Governmental Regulations in Place and Coming
    • The European Union (EU) launched CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) in 2021 that requires active and obligatory planning, execution and reporting of ESG initiatives of companies with business in the EU, starting 2023.
    • The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced intention to require Triple Bottomline financial reporting by 2023.
    • The United Nations set 2030 as target date to achieve its clear Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) in 17 focus areas.
    • The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in 2021 laid out new requirements on emissions reporting.

The solution

Sustainability360 meets you where you are to engage & deliver

We offer three solutions to fit the varying levels of maturity and ambition to center sustainability culture in your organization.  We can accommodate and help regardless of where you are in your sustainability journey.

Our three solutions are:

01 Initiate

Helping you as an organization to get started and deliver results.

02 Accelerate

Helping you as an organization to get to the next level.

03 Operate

Helping to support you manage a sustainability program in an effective way on an ongoing basis.

Achieve Near-Term Results

  • Fulfill legal and governmental obligations
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Reduce greenhouse gasses, emissions and waste
  • Improve supplier diversity
  • Improve team awareness of environment and social impacts
  • Improve morale with alignment to meaningful purpose

Transform Your Organization

  • Meet customer requirements and improve satisfaction
  • Improve your brand reputation
  • Become the company people want to work for
  • Attract top talent on a sustained basis
  • Create competitive advantage
  • Ethical sourcing, procurement and supply chain management
  • Increase your contribution to People, Profit and Planet
    in a sustainable way

HOw we do it

Sustainability360 App
Technology & Tools to Power the Journey

Our proprietary technology brings the functionality you need at the touch of a single button. Configured to your needs. Your single comprehensive tool for monitoring stakeholder engagement, training, ideas generated, best practices, carbon reporting, management dashboards and related news.
Your entire sustainability journey in one simple app.

We have developed unique methods, tools and technology that combine the best ideas and expertise of clients, communities and Sustainability360 subject matter experts. Our 360-degree approach creates a model that reignites the SPARQ in organizations that are stuck. The process itself is transformative, as PEOPLE and TEAMS engage, communicate and become better aligned to your company’s purpose and ESG goals.

“The best time to get started was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”



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Sustainability360 is a service offering of SPARQ360.

Photo by Singkham on Pexels

Sustainability360 is a service offering of SPARQ360.