
Driving social and environmental change together.

We believe in the importance of creating a sustainable future together. We have a responsibility as SPARQ360 towards you,  our community and society as a whole to commit to sustainability, to accelerate change and reach our sustainable development goals. In addition to driving social and environmental change, sustainability initiatives can also contribute to an organization’s overall success. Sustainability is in fact a key driver for innovation and change. Part of our sustainability journey is to enable not only individual companies but the whole economy and society to flourish. Helping companies reach their sustainability goals and thrive at the same time.
Let’s collaborate to drive and sustain change to create a sustainable future together.


“Earth is calling for action and needs us all to act now.”

That is why we feel the responsibility to help companies accelerate their sustainability program or start them on the journey. We do this through engagement, idea generation and collaboration. Connecting the dots for employees, clients, suppliers and partners.

Arthur van Gerven, Co-founder

A collaborative approach to sustainability

Corporate businesses seem to be leading the way in sustainability land, reaching their sustainability goals and thus making an impact. All businesses however are a part of the same journey in their own unique way. Small(er) companies with a collaborative approach to sustainability for instance can and are making waves when it comes to driving sustainability in their industry.

At SPARQ360 we strive to bring these journeys together through collaborative initiatives. Smaller businesses or organisations may feel they cannot achieve sustainability goals on a large scale or  make a difference in comparison to the corporate giants that have the resources and the necessary knowledge.  A collaborative approach is a major part of our strategy and contribution to a sustainable economy. Bringing companies together in partnerships, stimulating collaboration within and with others. Flowing from our collaboration with our partners and clients we focus on sharing best practices to help and strengthen others on their sustainability journey.

Making these SDG's a reality

Our initiatives to creating a sustainable future together line up with 4 SDG’s we have chosen as our focal point. Thus contributing to make these SDG’s a reality.

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