Our privacy policy
Your privacy is important to us.

Your privacy is important to us at Sustainability360, which is why we are happy to uphold stringent personal data protection laws, that ensure you do not receive unsolicited contact from either Sustainability360 or any third party.

In accordance with the GDPR legislation we are making a continuous effort to update and improve this privacy policy. This includes changing the way our data is used, improving the way consent is secured, and making it easier for you to control and amend your personal information.

This privacy policy is intended to give you confidence in the privacy and security of the personal information we obtain from you; so, whether you visit our blog, subscribe to our newsletter, or become one of our clients, we promise that your data will remain confidential, and that your experience with Sustainability360 will be nothing but enjoyable!

Types of data we collect

Website Cookies This website uses cookies to record session information, such as time spent on a specific page, customize web page content based on visitors’ browser type or other information that the visitor sends.

For marketing and statistical information, this website may collect the domain name that visitors are arriving from (but not the e-mail address of visitors, unless specifically provided by the user), aggregate information on what pages consumers’ access or visit, IP addresses, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Web page, and to customize the content and/or layout of our pages for each individual visitor.

Google Analytics On www.Sustainability360.ai we use Google Analytics to collect standard website data and details of visitor behavior patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to various pages within the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

Online behavioral advertising Sustainability360 uses third party vendors to display relevant ads on sites throughout the internet. Often these third-party vendors use cookies to serve ads based on your interaction with Sustainability360 web properties. For more information on how Online Behavioral Advertising works, please visithttp://www.aboutads.info/consumers. Users may opt out of some, many, or all Online Behavioral Advertising targeting by visiting either or both of the following sites:http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.aspand/orhttp://www.aboutads.info/choices.

  • Sustainability360 may use Google’s re-marketing service to display advertising content to users who have visited Sustainability360’ website, by using cookies to store data about the previous visit.
  • Sustainability360 may use Google’s customer re-marketing service to display content to users who have provided their email address on Sustainability360’ website.

Visitors can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’sAds Settings. Visitors can opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting theNetwork Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Customer email lists: Consent, Usage and preferences By supplying Sustainability360 with your email address (either when registering for the sustainability assessment, signing up for a newsletter, event, report, or any other request) you agree to be contacted by Sustainability360 with information relating to your request.

If we use contact forms on Sustainability360.ai they will include a checkbox allowing you to choose to receive email communications from SPARQ360. If this is selected, we will periodically send you email communications which we feel could be relevant or interesting for you, including event invitations, product updates, and our  newsletter.

You can opt-out of these electronic communications at any time by following the instructions in our emails or by sending a request tojanic.nitt@sparq360.com

Telephone numbers If you supply us with your telephone number on-line, you may receive telephone contact from us with information relating to their contact request. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls, please let us know by sending an e-mail tojanic.nitt@sparq360.com.

Access to your personal information You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our data protection officer Arthur van Gerven atarthur.vangerven@sparq360.com


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creating momentum, delivering results.

Sustainability360 is a service offering of SPARQ360.

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Sustainability360 is a service offering of SPARQ360.